Gas Supply Consulting, Inc.


Multi-Faceted Services for the Dynamic Energy Industry

SUPPLY and service acquisition

The professsionals at Gas Supply Consulting, Inc. have a wealth of experience assisting utilities, LNG exporters, municipal entities and industrial clients with acquisition of natural gas supplies and associated pipeline services. As to natural gas supply requirements, we assist clients from start to finish developing RFPs, qualifying and interacting with potential suppliers, negotiating supply contracts and implementing and monitoring supply transactions. Similarly, the GSC team also assists its clients negotiating pipeline and storage service contracts as needed to develop a robust gas supply delivery portfolio.

Infrastructure assessment

Maintaining a diverse skillset with substantial experience in the technical, commerial and regulatory arenas of the natural gas industry, Gas Supply Consulting is uniquely qualified to assist its clients with development of pipeline infrastructure projects. The team performs initial pipeline design work through pipeline hydraulic modeling; asseses project feasibility via development of high level project cost estimates and long term project life cycle economic models; and supports project development through contract negotiation and assistance in development of required regulatory filings.

Natural gas Liquefaction projects

Large International Scale LNG can consume as much gas as a large city on a daily basis. As a result, development of a feedgas portfolio supporting such a project is a complex task requiring negotiations with numerous industry players to develop the most economic and reliable mix of supplies and pipeline services to meet feedgas requirements.

GSC has undertaken several engagments on behalf of LNG project developers in the US as well as on behalf of various international customers of US LNG facilities to assist in the development of appropriate feedgas portfolio to meet facility requirements.

Business strategy development

The way companies must think about their future energy needs can be as unique as a fingerprint. Our experience can pull the many different facets of your long range energy plan together. Be it local distribution companies or industrial companies needing to evaluate options available in the market place, we have the knowledge to evaluate long-range requirements and the ability to see the big picture to develop company strategic plans related to natural gas fuel requirements.

we take tremendous pride in knowing

we have saved our clients

millions of dollars

INVOICE auditing & RATES assessment

Energy can be expensive.  The complicated natural gas industry has many factors that impact costs.  For those companies without staff dedicated solely to natural gas acquisition, GSC can help make sure you are getting the best costs in both supply and services.  Services can be even more convoluted due to rate structures and invoicing procedures. We have the experience and proven track record at making sure you are paying for the best services for your needs and being charged correctly.

expert witness testimony

Gas Supply Consulting, Inc. has provided expert witness testimony in front of regulatory entities on the federal level at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and on the state level in front of various public service commissions. Based upon the unique background of our professionals, we have provided testimony on a broad range of subjects from technical issues such as pipeline hydraulics and impacts of natural gas composition to commercial issues such as the need for and economic justification of utility system expansions to regulatory issues such as supporting expert testimony in rate case proceedings.

RATE and Regulatory support

Gas Supply Consulting, Inc. has supported numerous clients in FERC regulatory proceedings related to pipeline rates and services. Specifically, our professionals have served as technical consultants in pipeline rate case proceedings, and have served as operational experts on behalf of clients providing support in technical conferences and settlement proceedings and/or providing expert testimony in regulatory proceedings.

Pipeline hydraulic flow modeling & by-pass feasibility studies

GSC has extensive experience developing hydraulic
models of existing pipelines, expansions to existing pipelines and/or proposed greenfield development pipeline systems throughout the US natural gas grid. GSC has been engaged by various clients since the mid-1990s developing hydraulic simulation models of proposed and/or existing pipeline systems.  In this role, GSC has developed numerous steady state and transient hydraulic models of various pipelines with these models used for project development, evaluation of pipeline capabilities or expansion opportunities and in support of expert witness testimony and pipeline regulatory filings.